IFB Beat – Week of February 5, 2024

A Message from the Editor

Did you know February is Low Vision Awareness Month? Stroll the IFB Beat to learn more. You will also find February’s Benefit of the Month and how you can support the National Federation for the Blind (NFB) this Valentines Day!

Thanks for reading the IFB Beat and have a wonderful week!

Anastasia Powell

IFB Solutions Communications Manager

apowell@ifbsolutions.org | 336-245-5698

Quick Links:

New this Week

February is Low Vision Awareness Month
Adult Support Group Meetings
CLVC Item of the Week

From Our Community

Insider Corner

HR and Opportunities

February Benefit of the Month
New Job Openings

Support Group Zoom Meeting Links


February is Low Vision Awareness Month

Millions of people in the United States are living with a visual impairment. A visual impairment can make it hard to do everyday activities like driving, reading, or cooking. And it can’t be fixed with glasses, contacts, or other standard treatments like medicine or surgery.

The good news is that vision rehabilitation services can help people with a visual impairment make the most of the vision they have so they can keep doing the things they love. People diagnosed with an eye disease or condition that causes visual impairment may not know where to start to find the right services. Take some time this Low Vision Awareness Month to spread the word about the great customer care IFB Solutions provides through the Community Low Vision Center. Read more about the Community Low Vision Centers and its resources!

Watch National Eye Institute’s video testimonials from people with a visual impairment to learn how Low Vision services can help: https://www.nei.nih.gov/learn-about-eye-health/eye-conditions-and-diseases/low-vision/living-low-vision


Adult Support Group Meetings:

National Federation for the Blind (NFB) Valentine’s Day Raffle

NFB-Winston-Salem chapter will be raffling a couples Valentine’s basket. Tickets are $2 per ticket. The drawing will be on Monday, February 12 at noon.

If interested in purchasing a ticket, contact NFB president, Angela Hanes in the ACS department or NFB secretary, Elizabeth Ellerby in the IWOL department. All proceeds will support educational and social opportunities for people who are blind.

Upcoming Support Group Meetings

  • Monday, February 5 AAA Committee meeting from 12:00-1:00 in TADS Room
  • Tuesday, February 6 VIPS Club meeting from 12:00-1:00 in TADS Room

CLVC Item of the Week:

Voice Portable digital Memo Recorder

Concealed inside this paper-thin clip is a state-of-the-art recording chip that gives you ten full seconds of high-quality digital recording time. Clips to documents, folders or virtually any object. Your message is retained even if the batteries are dead or removed. LED indicator for recording or playback. Clip operates on a CR2016 lithium cell (included). Size is approximately 4″ tall, 2.5″ wide and only a quarter of an inch thick.

If you are interested in purchasing Low Vision Equipment through our Loan Program (3rd Party), please contact a Low Vision Coordinator for assistance.


From Our Community

Insider Corner

This section is edited by Faith Harding. Reach out to her at fharding@ifbsolutions.org

Greetings, IFB Family,

For those of you who may not be familiar, there are more people in the blind community who had vision at one time, then those who were born blind. It’s imperative to protect the vision you currently have. Here’s a few ideas to assist in accomplishing this.

Watching Television

Used for family gatherings, relaxation, and enjoyment, did you know the manufacturer-recommended television viewing distance is six times the vertical screen size. For example, if your television has a vertical height of 18 inches, the optimal viewing distance is 108 inches or about 9 feet. Whether it’s hanging on the wall or on a stand, it’s best to place the tv at eye level or lower. This will reduce eye strain or neck muscle fatigue  from looking up.

Screen Time

With access to a myriad of screens it’s imperative to give your eyes a break. One technique is the 20/20/20 method. For every 20 minutes your reading, on a computer, or watching television, take a 20 second break to look at something 20 feet away. This is a good way to reset and relax your eyes and neck from being in the same position.

Screen Distance feature on iOS 17.

Apple implemented a Screen Distance tool to reduce eye strain and protect from long term eye conditions in children and adults. This feature notifies you when your face is less than 12 inches from your iPad or iPhone. To activate this feature go to settings, screen time, limit usage, screen distance.  Read the purpose and benefits information, then turn feature on.

Protecting your eyes today, results in maintaining healthy vision further into your future.

Have an amazing week family!


HR & Opportunities

February Benefit of the Month

This section is a monthly feature supported by IFB Solutions Benefits Supervisor Ciara Frenette. Reach her at cfrenette@ifbsolutions.org.

Guardian’s Employee Assistance Program gives you and your family members access to confidential personal support, across everything from stress management and nutrition to handling legal or financial issues. The services available include consultations with experienced professionals, as well as access to resources and discounts designed to help you in a variety of different ways.

  • Consultative services are available to provide direct support and assistance.
  • Work/life assistance that can help you save money and balance commitments.
  • Access legal and financial assistance and resources – including Will Prep Services.

To access assistance, visit worklife.uprisehealth.com or call 800-386-7055 and use access code “worklife”.

New Job Announcements

For all current openings, visit https://www.paycomonline.net/v4/ats/web.php/jobs?clientkey=8B43E6E34C5D5C9AA3D07BB04DBEB909

For information about any employment opportunities with IFB Solutions please contact Brent Burkholder at bburkholder@ifbsolutions.org or X5611.


Zoom Meeting Links

Adult Support Groups Zoom

Meeting ID: 994 9807 8576
One tap mobile
+13017158592,99498078576# US (Germantown)

13126266799,99498078576# US

Dial by your location.
877 853 5257 US Toll-free
888 475 4499 US Toll-free
Meeting ID: 994 9807 8576